Tuesday, October 5, 2021

Lengkap - 40+ Contoh Soal UAS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 8 SMP/MTs dan Kunci Jawaban Terbaru

Attention class, hari ini kita akan belajar Soal bahasa inggris kelas 8 SMP. Silahkan siapkan alat tulis dan buku catatan masing-masing. 

Jika ada soal yang tidak dimengerti, jangan ragu untuk bertanya di komentar atau tanyakan langsung ke guru.

Beberapa latihan soal bahasa Ingris sudah dilengkapi dengan kunci jawaban. Jika Anda tidak menemukannya dalam soal bahasa Inggris yang ini, silahkan meninggalkan komentar agar kami bisa upload kunci jawabannya.

Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas 8 SMP/MTs

Nah, tanpa berlama-lama lagi, silahkan langsung kerjakan soal bahasa inggris yang sudah kami siapkan di bawah ini.


I.         Answer the question by choosing A, B, C or D!


1.        Doni   : I see that you bring so many books Elsa, may I help you? Elsa.............................. You are very kind, Don.

A. Certainly                     B. No, thanks                C. Really?                          D. I’m sorry

2.        Mother     : Soni, can you turn off the lamp, please? Soni          : ............

A. With a pleasure           B. I’m sorry                  C. I can’t                           D. No, I’m bussy


3.    Sa di

: May I borrow your pencil case?


Si git

A. Sure

: .........I’m using it .

B. I’m sorry


C. Yes, I do


D. With pleasure

4.    Hilya        : I am hungry mom,...................... , please ?

Mother     : Sure. T he delicious meals are ready on the table for you, dear.

A.  Can you give me a drink

B.  Could you give me some meals

5.    Mrs. Rosi : Do you mind passing me the sugar?

C.      Will you have to eat

D.      Do you want to eat


Diana....................... Here it is.

A. No I don’t                   B. Sure


C. I’m not sure


D. Yes, I know

6.    Nando..................... a glass of coffe?

Early         : Yes, please.That’s very kind of you



A. Could you help me        B. Can you make

C. Would you like

D. Shall I have

This dialogue is for question No. 7 and 8

: Inka, your mother is English teacher, right?

: That’s right. How do you know it vuji?

: Ahmad, my cousin, told me it. You know Ahmad, don’t you? He was your friend when you was at VII A.

: o, yeah. That’s right.

Vuji Inka Vuji



7.        Why does inka know Ahmad?

A.  Ahmad is inka’s classmate                                C. Ahmad is inka’s neighbour

B.  Vuji introduces Ahmad to Inka                         D. Ahmad is Inka’s cousin

8.        Inka says, “That’s right.” What does it mean?

A. She asks for help        B.  She gives help          C.  She agrees a fact           D. She disagrees a fact

9.        Sela        : What do you think about the new studentin our class?

Seli         :............... She is friendly and smart.

A. I see that                      B.  I want to say            C.  Don’t say that               D. I think

10.    Elin      : “ Our mother’s birthday is next week.” Alin     : ................................................ ?”

Elin      : That’s a good idea.

A.  When was she born?                                         C. How about giving her a present?

B.  How old is she?                                                 D. How is your mother?

11.    Galih: Everything is expensive today. Only a cup of cofee, we must pay five thousands rupiahs. Alpin: Yeah, you’re right. I........ wit h you.

A. Buy                             B. Come                        C. Disagree                        D. Agree

12.    Dimas : I need a glass of ice tea.

Adit     : It’s breakfast time, a glass of milk is bett er for you. Dimas : Ok...............

A. I agree wit h you           B.  I think so                         C.  I don’t like it                 D. Sorry, I dissagree

13.    Lukman : Congratulations Tanjul, Finally you can be the winner in this contest . T anjul       : Thanks Lukman.

Lukman congratulates Tanjul because...........

A.  He has a new job                                               C. He get the best score

B.  He wins in a competition                                  D. He has new house

14.    Mr. Odi: Put ri, this is your test paper, you get the excellent score. Putri       : Is it right, sir?

Mr. Ody : Yes, ............................

A.  You’re lucky to win the contest                        C. Congratulat ions

B.  I’m surprised on your success                           D. You’re the winner

15.    Ayu     : Wow,.............................. You look so beautiful.

Ami     : Thank you, this dress is from my mother.

A.  What a beautiful girl                                         C. I like your style

B.  This suits you well                                            D. What a charming dress

16.    Sint a    : Amel, Do you know, Andini won the Match competition yesterday? Amel    : O yeah? ........................

Sint a    : Yes, she is so smart amel.

A. What a smart girl        B.  What a creat ive girl  C. What a charming girl     D. What a good girl

17.    Gina : Fit, I’m so hungry, let’s go to canteen wit h me. Fitri:      I have something else to do know.

Gina         : It’s ok, no problem.

A. Thank you                  B. Of course                 C.  I like it                                   D. I am sorry

18.    Vicky            : Would you like to come to my sister’s wedding party next Sunday Mr. Jones? Mr. Jones      : That’s very kind of you, but I don’t think I can. Have a nice party.

The underlined expression is used for ........

A.  Invit ing people                                                  C. Introducing people

B.  Asking for information                                     D. Asking people to do things

Read the textand answer questions 19 to 23

I have a papaya plant. It grows at the front yard. The pap aya tree is tall, about three meters high. It has no branches. The steam is soft and weak because it has the flimsy wood and a hollow center. The leaves emerge directly from the upper part of the stem in a spiral fashion.

I like to harvest the lowermost papaya fruit. The oldest, mature fruit is the lowest one, and the youngest the uppermost one. The ripe fruit has yellow skin. The flesh is bright orange or

pinkish, with small black seeds clustered in the center.

19. What is the purpose of the text?

A.  To amuse the reader                                         C. To tell howto do something

B.  To tell the past experience                                 D. To describe something

20. Why is the stem of the papayatree soft and weak? Because.................

A.  It has flimsy  wood and a hollow cent er                C. Its leaves emerge from the upper part of the stem

B.  It has no branches                                             D. It is very tall

21. What are clustered in the center of the papaya fruit?

A.  Fresh wat er                                                       C. Big seeds of the papaya

B.  The flesh of the papaya fruit.                             D. Small black seeds of the papaya.

22. ................ flimsy wood and a hollow center.” (Paragraph 1)

T he word ‘flimsy’ has the similar meaning wit h................

A. Hard                            B. Thick                        C. Soft                               D. Long

23. “The papaya tree is tall” (Paragraph 1) the word ‘tall’ has the opposite meaning wit h...............

A. Small                           B. High                         C. Wide                             D. Short

Read the text to answer questions 24-28

Mr. And Mrs. Charles were on a tour to Europe. They were travelling on a guid ed tour to five countries. They were go ing to travel through the Netherlands, Belgium, Germany, Switzerland, and France for two weeks. The guide for the tour was a swiss.

On the first day of the travel the guide told them to check their passports, their traveller cheques and their foreign cash. He told them to keep them safety.

They traveled in a comfortable coach with a toilet, music and video. The guide stopped the

coach at many famous places. He explained the cultural importance of the places. They stayed in big hotels for the might and ate in the restaurants.

On the way, they stopped at a small restaurant for lunch. In big towns, they  went  for shopping. They bought many souvenirs for their friends. They enjoyed the twoo-week tour tremendously.

24. The text is about.................

A. Travelling                    B. Shopping                  C. Tracking                        D. Visiting

25.    Where did they go?

A. Netherlands                 B. Europe                      C. Australia                        D. America

26.   .......... At many famous places

The underlined word has the synonym with ………

A.Good                            B. Ugly                         C. Popular                          D. Bad

27.    He explained the cultural importance of the place’ (Paragraph 3) The word ‘He’ refers to.........................

A. Mr. Charles                 B. Mrs. Charles             C. Thir friends                    D. The guide

28.    “They enjoyed the t woo-week tour tremendously” (Last Paragraph) The underlined word has the same meaning as.......................

A. Got  bored wit h            B.  Got pleasure from    C.  Became addicted to     D. Became amazed at

Read the text to answer questions 29-31










29.    When will Fernando hold hispart y?

A. In the morning            B.  In the midnight         C. In the evening                D. In the afternoon

30.    What should Farel do if he can’t come to the part y?

A. T ell the rest aurant wait er                                  C. Send back Neyra’s invit at ion

B.  Confirm to Neyra a few days before                 D. Contact Neyra’s parents

31.    Neyra will wear................. in the party

A.  Whit e dress                 B. Whit e shirt                C. Red Shirt                       D. T-Shirt



Read the text to answer questions 32-33


32.    Who writ e the message?

A. Fernando                  B. Fernando’s mother


C. Fernando’s father


D. Fernando’s sister

33.    Who will arrive earlier at home?

A. Fernando                  B. Fernando’s mother


C. Fernando’s father


D. Fernando’s sister

34. What must Fernando do at home?



A.  Come earlier

B.   Arrive at home about five p.m

C.       Turn on the lamp

D.      Key the door



For questions 35 to 37 choose the suitable word to complete the text below!

Lion is .......... It belongs to.......... animal, but some of people like it.

We can see lions in the...............

35.    A. Herbivore                 B. Tame                          C. Pet                                 D. Carnivore

36.   A. Tame                         B. Pet                              C. Insect                             D. Wild

37.   A. Zoo                            B. Pet shop                     C. Garden                          D. Backyard

38.    Arrange the following words into a good sentence!

ImyBicycleIn The Washed- Afternoon 1       2        3          4     5        6              7

A. 6-5-7-4-3-2-1            B. 1-6-2-3-4-5-7              C. 1-2-3-4-5-6-7                 D. 1-6-2-3-5-4-7

39.    Fadil and Rajata......... their holiday together

A. spends                      B. spent                           C. are spending                  D. to spend

40.    Re-arrange the jumbled sentences below into good paragraph!

1.  After that we mopped the floor using a mopping cloth

2.  Everything looked nice

3.  In the morning, I swept the whole room in the house

4.  Last Sunday, I didn’t go to school

5.  I finished with the cleaning almost at 12 o’clock

6.  So I st ayed at home and I did the cleaning at my house The best arrangement of the sentence above is.....

A.  3–6–1–4–5–2          B. 4–6–3–1–5–2             C. 2–4–6–3–1–5                     D. 5–3–6–4–1–2


II.      Read the text and answer the questions!

41.    Complete this dialogue with the suitable expression! Mufti              : Iyan,.................... give me a glass of coffe.

Iyan       :...................... But you look so tired. You should take a rest a while

Mufti      : You’re right. Thanks Iyan Iyan              : Wait for your coffe bro.

Mufti      : Ok

Read the text and answer questions 42 to 43!

Tomy is my cat. It has orange fur whith white spots. I like to cuddle Tomy because its fur feels soft. Every morning I give Tomy a bowl of milk. Tomy diesn’t like rice, So I usually giv e it a cat food. Tomy is an active cat. Tomy likes to run arround the house. Tomy likes to chase everyone in my house. Tomy usually sleeps on the sofa in the living room or sometimes under the table.


42.    A. What is thetext about?

B.  Where does Tomy usually sleep?

43.    Re-arrange the jumbled sentences below into good descript ive text!

1.    She is Fathin Shidqia.

2.    She is cute, chubby and nice person.

3.    She really kind to her fans.

4.    I really adore her.

5.    I have an idol

6.    She is 17 years old.

7.    Her voice is very unique.

44.    Change the verbs in the brackets into the right forms (Past Tense)!

I (go) to Grandmot her’s house yesterday to make a cage for her bird. After finishing the Cage, My grandmother (ask) me to have lunch.My mother (cook) chicken soup and it was spicy. The soup was  very  tast y, although it was spicy. I (eat) it too much. T he next morning I (get) stomachache and I (can not)go to school.

45.    Complete this invit ation wit h the suitable words!


Dear Inggit

I am happy if you can......... to my birthday party.

It will be held on:

......... : Sunday

Date    : December 2nd, 2015 Time    :09.00 p.m

........... : “Pesona Liyep” Restaurant

It won’t be............. without.you.

Itulah kumpulan soal bahasa inggris yang sudah kami siapkan. Jangan lupa cek juga soal lainnya yang ada dalam Bangsoal.

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